Reviews about Route 66 Idiomas language school
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studying in fun!
01 July 2020
Stanislav Samarin

Добрый день!
Мы с женой приехали в Валенсию и первый и самый главный вопрос для проживания в другой стране-изучение языка. Просмотрев предложения рынка языковых школ, пришли к выводу, что ROUTE 66 IDIOMAS это лучшее, что представлено в регионе. Мы оценили расположение-это центр города, наличие учебных классов-их много, коммуникабельность и доступность руководства-в любое время Рене доступен по телефону и электронной почте. Ну и конечно цена-вполне отвечает запросам «не новых русских».
После 2-х месяцев обучения стал заметен очевидный прогресс, на занятиях разбираем тексты уровня А2. Особенно хотелось бы отметить нашего преподавателя Вера Севилья (Vera Sevilla)-очень грамотный и лояльный педагог.
Школу рекомендую, т.к. она аккредитована в институте Сервантеса и реально дает знания.

Roure 66 -это знания!
26 May 2020
Jarret Randall

Very nice staff and teachers, made me feel welcome in Valencia and provided me with a good learning environment even during the COVID situation. Definitely recommend them if you need an academy in Valencia!

Definitely recommend if you need an academy in Valencia!
21 May 2020
Julia Chevelii

Хочу поделиться своим мнением о школе “Route 66 Idiomas”. Долго не выбирала, поскольку эта школа по всем критериям оказалась лучшей. Во-первых, клиентоориентированность, моментальная обратная связь с хозяином школы René. Он очень внимательный и позитивный человек, помогает разобраться с любыми вопросами относительно учебы и всего образовательного процесса. С ним можно связаться в любой момент, если возникнут затруднения. А это очень важно, когда находишься в другой стране и плохо владеешь языком. Школа располагается в центре Валенсии, что очень удобно. Я увидела много учебных классов, это тоже большой плюс, значит дела идут прекрасно и много людей обучается здесь. Учебный процесс очень интересный. Преподаватель не пытается выдать всю информацию о языке, и тем самым напугать ученика, «отбить» желание учиться. Наоборот, темы разнообразные и мы к ним постоянно возвращаемся. Обучение проходит весело и даже не надо ничего зазубривать, все укладывается в голове само. Группы маленькие, много внимания каждому ученику. Скажу о себе, я почувствовала огромную разницу уже через месяц обучения. Я занимаюсь с преподавателем Верой (Vera) и считаю, что мне очень повезло. Прекрасный, позитивный, внимательный человек. Рекомендую школу “Route 66 Idiomas” на 100%.

Лучшая школа для изучения языка
21 May 2020
Abby Penlington

Having a bit more time on my hands during the lockdown I decided to sign up for intensive Spanish lessons at Route66. I wasn’t sure how the group online classes would work and whether you’d feel like you were in a real group class however after the first class I thought it worked really well. Sandra, my teacher, made sure everyone participated in the class fully and all resources were shared online. I immediately felt welcome in the group and feel like the other students are friends, even though we’ve only met online. The 2 things that I like most about Route66 is the ‘family’ feeling, the staff know the students so it’s a very friendly school. Also they are very flexible and do there best to fit with your schedule.

Super friendly and flexible learning
21 May 2020
이성모 Sungmo Lee

발렌시아에 오면서 지인의 소개로 이 학원을 알게 됐습니다.

첫번째로는 학원비가 싸다는 점이 도움이 됐고, 그럼에도 불구하고 모든 문의사항이나 필요한 부분에 있어서 아주 빠르고 친절하게 도와주는 원장님(Rene라는 분이 원장으로, 다른 직원이 아닌 이 분이 직접 도와주십니다)이 계신 점을 보고 더이상 선택을 고민할 부분이 없었습니다.

스페인은 다른 유럽 국가들에 비해 행정적으로 느린 부분이 많아 처음 오셨을 때 힘드신 일이 많이 생길 수 있을 텐데, 그럴 때마다 이곳 원장님이 직접 도와주시는 일들이 정말 큰 힘이 됐습니다.

학원은 발렌시아 시내 (광장 분수대에서 3분 거리)에 위치하고 있고, 학원 내부 시설도 깔끔하고 선생님들도 좋습니다. 제 생각에 발렌시아에서 살면서 이 학원을 다니는 것은 마치 발렌시아 시내 한 가운데에 언제든지 믿고 의지할 수 있는 ‘본부’랄까, 혹은 작은 공간을 두고 있는 것 같은 느낌입니다.

동시에 이 학원은 수업 내용은 또 진지하고 학구적인 편인데, 그래서 저는 진지하게 스페인어 공부를 하고 싶으신 분들, 또 앞서 설명드린 이유들을 근거로 꼭 학업이 목적이 아닌 분들(자격증 등을 딸 필요가 별로 없는 분들)에게도 이 학원을 적극 권유하고 싶습니다.

To put it very simply in English,

This school has the best President (‘Rene’, the best man you’ll ever meet in Valencia), great teachers, in a fantastic location. All for that at a surprisingly low cost.

I would say to enroll for this school is like you’re having your own shelter or headquarter in the center of Valencia.

So, I can only say for anyone who’s considering to choose this school or not, “Why not?”

Smart, Helpful, comfortable
14 May 2020
Megumi Suzuki

私達は夫婦で現在もこのRute66でスペイン語を学習しています。現在に至るまで学校代表のReneさんには大変お世話になりました。問題があると直ぐに動いて解決して下さり、いつも私達を助けてくれます。知り合いがいない私達にとって、とても頼りになる存在です!先生方はいつも楽しく、とても解りやすい授業をしてくれます。時には友達のように気にかけてくれます。勿論、スペイン語も短い期間で上達できます!とても温かい学校です。Rute 66お勧めします!!^^

14 May 2020
Holly Graham

When moving to Valencia, Spain,
It had been a dream of mine to learn Spanish. I found Route 66 based on a personal recommendation and after researching all the positive reviews I knew I was in the right school. During my time at route (I Did group intensive 20 hours/week for 7 months) I went from not speaking the language to having full and meaningful conversations in Spanish. I expected to find a quality school, what I didn’t expect was to meet such an incredible, loving group of people from the owner, to planning staff and teachers that I actually left Valencia, Spain feeling like I now have a new family. You will find an extremely positive environment at route starting with the warm owner, Renee, his increíble planning staff (Sandra and Pilar) and the highest quality and most incredible group of gifted teachers.

The best!! Highest quality and fantastic environment.
14 May 2020
Karen Goff

I attended classes for three weeks in June and would recommend the school to anyone. I am thinking of returning. The administration staff were extremely helpful and nothing was any trouble. My teachers, Belém and Claudia were really lovely and very personable, efficient and professional. Valencia was a really good place to be; not too big, not too small.

A great experience!
19 September 2019
Richard Kirkwood

I was a student at Route66 for three weeks in the summer of 2018. I took the four hour intensive course and it did make a significant difference to my Spanish. Both teachers were consistently good and very helpful. On my experience, I’d certainly recommend Route66. Admin was well handled too. Only down side was having to buy yet another set of Spanish books!

Good job, well done
19 September 2019

It was perfect to improve my Spanish. Actually I chose Route 66 because It was the only language school in Valencia that is open from 8 am for private lessons., but I was so relieved to see that I had chosen a very professional school. Cristina is an excellent teacher as well. I will definitely choose Route 66 again when I want to have some private lessons in Valencia.

19 September 2019
David Davidson

I enrolled for 2.5 weeks of the intensive (4 hrs/day) course in Oct/Nov 2018. Over that span of time I had Cristina, Belen, Claudia and Edgar as instructors, and all were very good — energetic, upbeat, clear. They were able to teach and answer questions making exclusive use of Spanish (augmented by some gesturing/acting…), which was wonderful.
There was a strong emphasis on getting students to SPEAK, which was exactly what I was seeking, and the small size of my class ensured that I had my fair share of attention. I’ve enrolled in two other Spanish schools over the years, and those schools had a greater emphasis upon grammar/vocabulary and working through the textbook and exercise book. Here, we worked through the material at perhaps a slower pace, but had a MUCH greater opportunity to practice the use of the material there in class, which led to a better outcome — i.e., I felt like my spoken and written Spanish improved quite a bit in the 2+ weeks. Strongly recommend this school, and plan to come back myself for a longer stint.

Effective and fun
19 September 2019
Victoriya Mishenin

Took a 32-week intensive Spanish course (4 hours per day/5 days a week) and was not disappointed. Teachers are highly experienced as well as caring and fun! Great classroom environment (max 6 students) They also helped me with all of the necessary paperwork related to the visa process. You will not be disappointed with this school which is located in the heart of one of the most beautiful cities in the world – Valencia Spain!

Amazing Spanish school in the heart of Valencia
19 September 2019
Rainer Hersch

This is a quality language school with dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. Class sizes are great – 3 students only in most of mine, so plenty of attention. There is a good mix of men, women and ages, which as a middle-aged, male, adult learner was important to me. The classrooms themselves are very pleasant with natural light and there is a nice library/communal area with tea and coffee for the breaks. All in all a good cummunity feeling and a great place to learn Spanish. Highly recommended.

Quality Teaching, Pleasant Environment
19 September 2019
Jonathan Vining

In my time at Route 66 I met a number of people and I can honestly say that every person I met was a kind person and easy to get along with. In particular the staff were really kind during lessons and are very good at explaining things that you have trouble with. Not only this but their help extended to out of classroom hours. Whenever I had an issue they would often spare a moment either in their break or on their way to another class to quickly explain things.

In addition, the administration department was brilliant. Their help too extended beyond the classroom, helping me one time when I had a medical issue with my arm and I was booked an appointment with someone. It made living in a foreign country very easy and assuring because I knew I had people to talk to if I was having any issues, language related or not.

I would highly recommend going to this school.

Amazing Experience Here
19 September 2019

I attended Route 66 classes for about 10 months. I had 2 different teachers during this time and both were amazing. I learned a lot, had fun, and made new friends. I highly recommend Route 66. The staff is great, it’s a fun, relaxed environment, and the teachers are fantastic!!

Awesome Classes!
19 September 2019
James Brown

I spent two weeks learning Spanish from 9am – 1pm. All the staff and teachers were super friendly and helpful. There is a nice, welcoming atmosphere at Route 66, and you can use the library to study in the afternoons. I stayed with a Spanish host, which I highly recommend if you want to really practice the language. My only criticism is that , apart from Paella on the first day, we didn’t do any organized social activities together. As a single person, I would have appreciated more social activities. Overall though, I would recommend Route 66 as a great school for learning languages in Valencia.

Friendly staff and great location !!
19 September 2019
Pat Everett

My instructor, Elena, was fantastic. Personable, upbeat, reliable and, best of all, non-judgmental. You can’t go wrong with Spanish instruction from Route 66.

The Best Instructors
19 September 2019

I studied Spanish at Route 66 for 2 weeks. I had 2 morning classes plus an extra private lesson in the afternoon. The morning classes were fun interacting with other students, but the private lessons I had in the afternnon were also useful as I could put into practice the grammar I learned in the morning classes. Special thanks to Maite, the teacher for my private lessons, she’s a great teacher but also very charming.

I also liked the host family I found through the school. The host mother was very kind, she had all the patient to listen to me and talked to me throughout my stay. My level was Elementary and by staying with a host family helped me a lot to practise my Spanish. The admin staff were all friendly too, so all in all I was highly satisfied with the school.

Good size of the classes (max. 6!).
19 September 2019
Carol Schrader

We studied for a month of private classes with Route 66 and had an excellent experience. My husband and I are both teachers and have high standards for teaching, and we were greatly impressed with the skills and engaging nature of the teachers and the professionalism and warmth of the staff. Our 13 year old daughter had a great time with her classes, too.

Personalized & Professional
19 September 2019